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{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Morgan 02.10.09 at 9:13 pm

I want to become an ER Doctor, but i was concerned about was the stress level,
do you have to go into therapy after a severe trauma case or do you eventually get numb to it.

Your ER Doc 02.11.09 at 6:24 pm

It’s very stressful, but most medical specialties have stress. The key is balance in your life. Family, friends, health and work. When I have a tough case, I talk about it, decompress and move on. You do get used to the environment and seeing patients with unfortunate problems.
Thanks for your question!

WarmSocks 11.29.09 at 7:15 pm

Really enjoying your blog. I’ve added you to my blogroll

kai 08.07.10 at 7:12 pm

What may cause a late twenties female, with no previous health problems, to randomly and instantly start sweating rapidly and lose ability to move body yet staying concious? These episodes are not daily and only last ten-twenty mins before I re-gain normal state. I have three children and need to know how serious this could be.

joshua keller 04.12.11 at 9:36 pm

in the past 5 years i have been perscribed 7.7/500 mg loritabs. in the past i have tried ultrium, lyrica, morphine & vicodin 7.5/500 mg. in the past months i have had trouble feels like i have to go but very little comes out . sometimes painfull. iv been checked for infections in my urinary trak & bladder that came back neg. my doc. said it could be the tylenol and is suggesting a pain pump. this is very inconvient for me do to the type of work i do. my sisterinlaw is a pharmist, she recomende i try percocet or roxicoddon my perscription is 6 7.5 mg l.tabs a day. what should i do. iv hade two broken feet,surgery on my back & rght hand. sincerly j. keller

a fan 04.28.11 at 10:18 am

Can you tell me what would cause me to retain fluid so easily? We are talking about pounds of fluid randomly interrupting my life. I feel prone to it since I did have eclampsia years ago as well. Just small elevation changes make it really bad, flying and probably sodium plus other things that I’m not sure of. I do drink lots of water and I just don’t know what else to do to prevent it.

karli l 06.29.11 at 10:53 am

My 18 month old has had this that looks like a bruise for months now. Dr said it was cafe mocha something. I just feel lost at what he was talking about. I feel like something could be wrong and he was rushing me thru our well check appt. Please help.

Amy Hubbard 07.28.13 at 11:23 pm


My name is Amy Hubbard and I head up the content department at We have just published a resource on our site titled: Online LPN to RN Scholarships. To view our resource follow the link:

Our mission at is to help nursing professionals and those seeking an education in the field to move forward. We want to share our resource with you because your readers may benefit from it, and we believe it would make content for your site. There are many great scholarships on the resource as well as career information that can help any nurse stay well informed.

Feel free to share the list with your readers. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and have a wonderful day.


Amy Hubbard
Content Editor

Henry Higgins MD 11.03.13 at 7:32 pm

I am the owner/operator of the Cedar Park Emergency Center in greater Austin, Texas. With the help of my colleagues, I am starting an “on line Journal” called “The Journal of Freestanding Emergency Medicine”. This web site is currently under construction but will be up in the next few weeks and the first Issue (collection of 7 articles) by January 2014. I hope to have at least 4 issues out next year (quarterly). This is an invitation for supplying content. If you or someone you know would like to submit content please let me know. I have already tracked down some Freestanding Docs, Nurses, Radiology Techs, hospital administrators etc from around the country and they are contributing content. We are amidst creating some research articles along with discussion articles. Let me know if you are interested in contributing or if you know of someone that may be interested in contributing. As you may imagine it can sometimes be difficult to find contacts. Thanks!

Henry Higgins MD

Eric Dawson 11.04.13 at 10:37 pm


I my name is Eric Dawson and I am the content lead here at My team and I have compiled a list of 95 of the top twitter accounts for paramedics. You can view the list here:

In our current age social media connectedness is vitally important if your want to stay on top of industry trends regardless or your profession. This is why we created our list so that emergency medical professionals can stay in-tune with others in the field. We would like to share this resource with you because your readers can really benefit from it, and we believe it would make great content for your site.

Please do not hesitate to share this list with your readers. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks, and have a great day.


Eric Dawson
Content Lead

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